
Week from Hell

Paul has been gone for a week and a half. And, of course, during that time, everyone decides to get sick. Sophia ran a fever last Wed. at daycare so I had to leave early to pick her up. It turned out that she had an ear infection, and so I had to stay home with her the next two days. She got over that pretty quick and then I started catching a cold. Then Thomas started catching a cold and had a small fever on Tuesday. I took him to the doc and no ear infection or anything. Well, this evening he became feverish, lethargic and unlike himself. So, now I have to take tomorrow off. It's basically the last day of school before break (Fri is a half day with fun stuff planned) and I had tests planned that I will now have to cancel.

I hate missing work and I've never missed 3 1/2 days in a matter of one week before! My kids definitely come first, but my students rely on me and ultimately their grades are in the balance. So, it's hard for me to be absent! And, it sucks that we don't have any relatives around here that could watch the kids for a day if they were sick so I could go to work. I give many, many kudos to single Moms who are doing all this stuff by themselves on a regular basis. I'm completely exhausted, out of energy and just plain worn out from these past 2 weeks. I only have a day and a half to go . . .

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