

We found out on Monday that we are having another girl! I was a bit surprised by this because I was really thinking it was going to be a boy. This pregnancy has been different in Sophia's in many ways - much more nausea, different cravings and just overall different feeling. Maybe I was just hoping it was going to be a boy, but either way it doesn't matter. We are set to have another girl. We are still thinking about names, and will share with everyone as soon as we decide on one.
I've added 2 of the ultrasound pictures - one of the profile and one of the left and right foot. They were the best ones we got. Also, she is healthy and normal as far as they can see. She should be approximately 12 oz. right now, so about the size of a pop can. I"ve gotten noticeably larger in the past couple of weeks and everyone at school is really taking notice. One of my students keeps saying that my belly gets bigger every day. I tell her this is what is supposed to happen! But, I can happily and comfortably wear my maternity clothes now, and I can really feel her moving around in there. Some days she's more active than others, but that is about the only part of pregnancy I enjoy. I've had some nausea popping up again recently, which I'm not happy about. I thought that was gone!! Oh well. At least it's temporary.
Everything else is going very well. Thomas and Sophia are starting to understand that they have a sister on the way, and are helping to pick out names. Sophia's suggestion was "ABCD" and Thomas's was "Tiger". We'll definitely keep those on the list . . .

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