
Yay! I"m Full Term and Done With Work!

I was officially full term last Monday! I had a doc appt on Wed., and there hasn't been any more progress as far as dilating, which I expected. I was 1 cm dilated with Sophia for about a month. So, we wait . . .

Friday was my last day of work. I am glad to be done for now as I just don't have the energy to do a good job, and I simply can't stand on my feet for even a half day. The kids were sweet and several gave me hugs and wished me luck. They all wanted to make sure I was going to send pictures of the baby once she arrives, so it was very sweet. I hope she doesn't decide to come this week - I need some time to just relax and finish up getting everything ready before baby arrives.

Paul has a science conference this week in the Woodlands (about an hour away), and many of our good friends will be in town for it. So, it will be a very busy week for him, but I don't think he's going to stay the night up there. He does have a poster to present on Thursday night, so I REALLY, REALLY hope nothing happens before then! Then, on Friday night we have about 5 people coming to stay with us and hang out. I'm excited to see everyone, so Zoe can arrive any time after Saturday, but not before!

I must say I"m getting rather irritated with people. On Friday a lady asked when I was due, and so I told her March 17. She looked at me and said 'Are you sure it wasn't Feb. 17??'. I was a bit taken aback, since I am aware of how stinkin' HUGE I am right now, but it's not like you have to rub it in!! I said, well, look at my husband, he's a big guy. But, I don't think she was listening. It also seems like people are looking/talking at my belly, which is understandable, but annoying. Oh well. It's almost over! And, many people have been very nice, so I guess it balances all out. One lady told me my skin looked nice, and lots of people open doors for me or offer to help me out. But, it's never the nice people who stick out in your mind! Anyway, there's not much else to report. I'll keep you posted!

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