
Herding Cats . . .

This is our last week of school (MOST THANKFULLY!!!), and it has been so hectic around here! I've been trying to pick up the pieces in my classes of having a sub who played the nice guy with the kids, didn't follow instructions and basically gave all the kids 'A's in my classes. That's all fine and dandy except when I have to come back and the students actually have to work. I gave them a project to work on IN CLASS for a week where they had to design a space mission and then make a poster of it. Can you get any easier than having to draw something you invented as a project??? Apparently the answer is yes because they complained and then I actually had 2 students not finish. It was A DRAWING for heaven's sake. Oh well. Then they just had to take the final to which I gave a VERY thorough review, but did anyone study? Not that I know of. Nor did they come in for help.

I am just happy that the year is over. Having a long term sub really messed up the atmosphere and momentum in my classes, one of which is physics and should be fairly rigorous. Oh well. Apparently sub guy thought I was too hard on the kids or something. Oh well.

On top of that, Paul watched the Zoe in the mornings when I returned to work, so that meant I had to rush home right after school at noon to relieve him so he could go to work. That also meant that he worked quite late (10 or 11pm) many nights leaving me to do bathtime, dinnertime and bedtime with all 3 kids. It's not impossible, but it's also not particularly easy. As a result of that, I didn't get much done at school, and then by the evenings I was extremely exhausted.

So, during this past week Zoe went to daycare. I've had to stay for tutorials in the afternoons, I have graduation practice this afternoon, and it was just too much if Paul was interested in working at all. Thankfully, Zoe has done GREAT, and everyone there loves her. I like the school, and the kids like it, so that made it easier for me to bring her. She will go there in the fall, so it's been fine. I've also been able to get alot done this week like cleaning and preparing my classroom for the summer and next year.

At any rate, the past few weeks have, for me, been a little like herding cats. Chaotic, busy, and I feel like I"m running in all directions all the time. Grocery shopping, cleaning, cooking (or trying to anyway), bathing the kids, doing laundry - it has been a challenge to figure out how to balance it all with the baby around the house. Thankfully she likes the sling, so I can carry her in it and still have 2 hands to do stuff, although she's growing out of it, so I'll have to figure out what to do when that happens. I"m looking forward to the summer, and being a little less stressed. We have to work tomorrow (YES, A SATURDAY, UGH), so my 'relaxing' summer will start on Sunday!

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