
The Inevitable - a Honda Odyssey!

We have reached the time where the inevitable is necessary - a Honda Odyssey. Yes, a mini-van. We will be trading in our very cool Chevy Tahoe for a very stigma-attached supposedly uncool Mini-Van. Although, in the world of mini-vans, the Honda Odyssey has got to be the best. I like to refer to it as my new Mom Limo.

The problem with the Tahoe and all other large SUVs is that the 3rd row is nearly inaccessible unless you pull the middle row seat down (impossible with carseats) or climb over the 3rd row to sit inthe 3rd row. Also, there is no back storage room once the 3rd row is up and in use. The Tahoe certainly looks cool, and we love it, but it just isn't going to work with 5 of us!

So, we looked at the Odysseys, and there is so much room! This is underfloor storage (yes, like a secret compartment under the floor!!), removable middle seat for the 2nd row so the 2 other seats can be pushed together leaving a space to walk to the rear row, a spacious 3rd row with headphone hookups, still more storage space behind the 3rd rown and something like 15 cupholders! The model we will get will also have a DVD player and headphone jacks so the kids can listen to a movie and we can listen to the radio/cd/ipod. We discovered the importance of this after driving more than 5000 miles with our computer rigged up to show movies in the car - not the most awesome situation.

Other features include automatically opening side doors that I'll be able to push with a button so that the kids can just run into the car and not have to wait in a parking lot while I fumble to open doors (also good if my hands are full). There are also many other safety features that really do not become important until you have kids, but they will useful. The car will also be able to allow others to ride with us without having to maneuver and climb over seats.

Paul's brother works for Honda and is helping us get just the right car. There is a used one (available to Honda employees) available that we will be in a lottery for (if more than one person are interested they do a lottery) next week. If we do not win that one, we have placed an order for one that will be available probably in December.

I am very excited for this car (even Paul liked it when we looked at them) - it has all the little features that I wish the Tahoe had on a daily basis when I'm carting the kids around and doing Mom stuff. I very seriously never thought I would be the mini-van Mom, but it seriously makes things so much easier. I am also soliciting ideas on how to 'pimp my ride' - no stick figure families on the back windshield, please!

1 comment:

Nerdysciencegirl said...

We did not win the black car, so we are currently waiting for one that we ordered. It probably won't be ready for 3 months :-( but at least we will get exactly what we want.